#NoExcuse for Eliminating Violence against Women
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2023, sister projects AGRIPGEP, BUDGET-IT, NEXUS, and SUPPORTER , all funded by the European Union to develop innovative gender equality plans, are joining forces to raise awareness on gender-based violence.
Leveraging the glossary recently developed by the UniSAFE project, the campaign supports the development of a common discourse to address gender-based violence in the European Research Area, and to enhance general public’s understanding of what these concepts mean.
What is exactly gender-based violence and which forms does it encompass? What is sexual harassment? Stalking?
UniSAFE's wide-scale survey on gender-based violence in academia and research shows that only 7% of students and 23% of staff who experienced gender-based violence in the context of their institution reported the incident. And the project's research shows that in many cases survivors did not report incidents because they were not sure that the behaviour was serious enough to report, they did not recognise the behaviour as violence at the time of the incident or did not think that anything would happen if they reported the incident (Lipinsky et al. 2022).
During these 16 days of activism, participate in disseminating these definitions on X, LinkedIn, Facebook! and on our sister projects accounts!
#NoExcuse for ending #genderbasedviolence!