SUPPORTER is comprised of a diverse 11 members consortium, including 3 European expert partners and 8 sports education institutions from Central and Eastern Europe. The strength of the consortium lies in the variety of complementary expertise from leading processes of institutional change with a focus on gender as well as sports education.

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Expert Partners

European Science Foundation (France)

The European Science Foundation (ESF) is a non-profit organisation that supports scientific research across Europe by providing high-quality, independent science operations to the European Research Area. Their core activities include Research Project Grant Evaluation, coordination of European projects, funding programmes and administration of scientific platforms.

They have considerable background acting as ‘Project Office’ for EC projects, coordinating and communicating a wide range of pan-European scientific initiatives, programmes, H2020 and Horizon Europe projects.

ESF is SUPPORTER's coordinator. Its role consists in ensuring the effective impact of the project’s findings, focusing specifically on communication and dissemination.

South-East European Research Centre (Greece)

An international, multidisciplinary, non-profit research centre based in Thessaloniki, Greece. SEERC's mission is to support the development of the South-East European region by conducting basic and applied research, in, and for the region systematically. The Centre is involved in H2020/H Europe/ SwafS projects addressing institutional changes.

SEERC leads the training programme, the mutual learning programme and the mentoring-monitoring scheme.


University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

UGOT tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56,000 students and 6,600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

UGOT leads the mapping process of best practices, training materials and institutional sports environments which will lead to developing training materials and tools for institutional transformation. They will also compose public "Guidelines and recommendations for implementing 4I-GEPs in sports education and in sports organisations".


Implementing Organisations

Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

The University of Banja Luka is is a public higher education and research institution with around 15,000 students. It has adopted a Gender Equality Plan for the period 2022-2026. The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, which is involved in the project, is active in teaching and research in the field of physical education and sport.

Univerza v Lubljani (Slovenia)

The University of Ljubljana (UL)  is a public higher education and research institution. The Faculty of Sport is the leading educational, professional and scientific research institution in the field of kinesiology and sport in the country. The Faculty has undertaken various initiatives to support the
development and implementation of policies and programmes to tackle inequalities in sports. At the institutional level, UL is currently developing its first gender equality plan.


Univerzita Karlova (Czechia)

Charles University is the best-rated Czech university according to international rankings, with around 100,000 students. The mission of the Faculty of Physical Education & Sport is to educate/ train professionals in sport / physical education, military physical education, civil protection education, sport management, recreation and physiotherapy. The study programmes are supported by research and international cooperation, such as the ERASMUS MUNDUS joint Masters' degree programmes, offering a MA in Sports Ethics and Integrity. The
University has recently published the Equal Opportunities Plan 2022-2024.

Национална Спортна Академия "Васил Левски"(Bulgaria)

The National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski" is a specialized higher education institution in the field of sports and sports-related qualifications with around 10,000 students. It offers study programs for Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees covering the main areas of sports education and research. NSA manages the scientific journal “Applied Sports Sciences” (in English; printed and online). All students of the NSA have in their curricula the course "Philosophy of Sport" which, discusses among other topics gender equality and equal opportunities in sports. The NSA Gender Equality Plan (2022 – 2025) has been approved by the Academic Council and its official adoption started in May 2022.


Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas (Lithuania)

The Lithuanian Sports University is a specialized public higher education institution known as a leading academic and research centre in sports science in the Baltic Sea region with around 1,450 students. The LSU offers study programmes for the three educational degrees, mainly in sport science, where theory, research and practice are closely interconnected. LSU has multiple international partnerships and is a member of several prestigious international sports networks. LSU's gender equality policy is embedded under the main strategy of the University.

Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (Romania)

The West University of Timișoara is the largest higher education/research centre in Western Romania with 15,000 students. The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports offers study programmes for the three educational degrees, while research activities are developed within the Research Center for Physical Education, Sport and Kinesitherapy. A department is oriented to the intersection of Physical Education, Sport and Society addressing topics such as the integration of persons with special educational needs, ethnicity and sports, and the social reintegration of
former athletes. The Faculty has also expertise in gender equality, and has participated in the Erasmus+ project “Women and Girls in Sports News and Media”, and is frequently organising workshops on gender equality. UVT has an institutional gender equality plan.


სპორტის უნივერსიტეტი (Georgia)

The Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sport is a higher education institution promoting the development of amateur and professional sports with around 750 students. GSTUPES offers study programmes for two educational degrees (Bachelor & Master), as well as one-year accredited educational programs. The University's gender dimension is addressed in Sports Psychology, Sports Sociology, Conflict Management in Sports.

Universitatea de Stat de Educație Fizică și Sport (Moldova)

The Moldovan State University of Physical Education and Sport is a state higher education institution with
around 2,200 students. The University offers study programmes for the three educational degrees and postdoctoral studies, while research activities are developed within the Scientific Centre. USEFS manages the sports scientific journal “Physical Culture Science” (in English, Moldavian and Russian; printed and online), with over 250 issues.
